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Brand, Website, Marketing


(01) Overview

Delivering business travel to the world, better

Zeno by Serko is a leading technology business powering the worlds end-to-end corporate travel and expense management solutions for Booking.com, travel agencies and businesses directly.

Initially, N4 were brought in to help the Serko team with all their Hubspot needs, but as our partnership developed we got involved in helping them optimise and extend their branding and website into something that would ultimately allow them to connect with more of their market.

The Serko team is a high energy and engaged team, so working with them was natural, collaborative and great fun. They also gave us a lot of scope in the design process, which allowed us to push the overall deliverable to a level everyone was extremely proud of.


Press features
Corporate Travel
Expense Management

(01) Overview

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(02) challenge

Making business travel easy

The Zeno product is a world-leading solution for any corporate travel, and we needed to ensure the website aligned with the simplicity of their product whilst covering the detail where needed.

By starting with the brand, we spent a lot of time extending and developing all the elements before addressing any outputs. This allowed the whole team to get more connected and engaged, making for a positive delivery.

(02) Challenge

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(03) Solution

An empowered team leads to a better outcome

The N4 design team was given a lot of trust and feedback throughout the process, leading to wider experimentation and expression.

This type of partnership is not something that is developed overnight. Trust on both sides comes with time and conversations, but hats off to the Serko team who allowed for this partnership to develop.

(03) Solution

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Rich animations to deliver more information

A focus throughout the site was to deliver small packets of information to help demonstrate the benefits and features of the Zeno platform.

We ensured there was a balance across the site when it came to animations for both brand and feature elements.

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Prominent call-to-actions and similar navigation

We wanted to make the entire site feel simple, accessible and seamless. This was not only to meet good user experience standards but also to align with the overall Zeno product experience. We want people to feel like Zeno is there to help for all your business travel needs.

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“A month after launching we have doubled our demo form requests and tripled our contact requests.”

Kathryn Hoolihan

Kathryn Hoolihan

Senior Marketing Manager, Serko

Kathryn Hoolihan

, N4